Entity user-defined attributes FCOLLADA extension

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Extension information
  • Purpose: unstated
  • Company(s): [[Feeling Software]]
  • Product(s): [[FCollada]]
  • Last updated: unstated
  • Contact for technical issues:
This article is part of the COLLADA extensions directory
Adding to the extensions directory

This <extra> at the entity level is used to add user-defined attributes that are meant to be animatable/editable in the DCC packages.

ColladaMax supports entity levels for materials, meshes, cameras, and lights. These will be displayed in the UI for up to two levels of the user-defined attributes tree.

ColladaMaya supports entity levels for cameras, lights, scene nodes, materials, meshes, skin clusters, and blend shapes. All the levels of the user-defined attributes tree are accessible and modifiable/animatable through Maya's plug systems, but only the first level is editable in Maya's attribute editor.

  • NOTE: The <dynamic_attributes><notes> element is modifiable through Maya's note textbox below the bottom of the attribute editor.
  • NOTE2: Be careful when assigning long and short names for attributes, because Maya already uses a bunch of them and we don't handle attribute name clashes.
Element Supported Attribute Description
<dynamic_attributes> Contains a tree of XML nodes and attributes that should be available to a user in the DCC package.
short_name Used by ColladaMaya for the plug name. This optional attribute allows you to give a second, scriptable, name for the user-defined attribute.
long_name Used by ColladaMaya for the plug name. This optional attribute allows you to give a more descriptive scriptable name for the user-defined attribute.
type Necessary attribute. This enumerated type defines the data type of the user-defined attribute. Possible values are: bool, int, int2, int3, string, float, float2, float3, float4, float4x4, color3.


 < !-- Prefered by ColladaMaya. -->
       <technique profile="FCOLLADA">
           <weapon_name short_name="wn" type="string">AK47</weapon_name>
           <weapon_damage short_name="wd" type="float">34</weapon_damage>
 < !-- Prefered by ColladaMax. -->
       <technique profile="FCOLLADA">
           < !-- In ColladaMax: this element's name will be the name of the UI panel. -->
             <weapon_name short_name="wn" type="string">AK47</weapon_name>
             <weapon_damage short_name="wd" type="float">34</weapon_damage>