Maya extra camera parameters MAYA extension

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Maya Camera Parameters

This <extra> at the <camera> level includes extra camera parameters supported by ColladaMaya to express Maya-specific features. Currently, there are four such camera parameters. They apply to both perspective and orthographic cameras.

Element Attributes supported Description
<film_fit> Contains one enumerated-type value that represents how to fit the camera on a render surface that doesn't match the wanted camera lens. 0: fill the surface, 1: fit horizontally, 2: fit vertically, 3: overscan fit.
<film_fit_offset> sid Contains one floating-point value: the amount to move the smaller image within the larger one. This value is in inches and is animatable using the sid attribute.
<film_offsetX> sid Contains one floating-point value: a horizontal film back offset. This value is in inches and is animatable using the sid attribute.
<film_offsetY> sid Contains one floating-point value: a vertical film back offset. This value is in inches and is animatable using the sid' attribute.


   <camera id="camera">
       <technique profile="MAYA">